Project Description
Centro Ceramico carries out inspections on behalf of Certiquality (Milan – I) in the following fields of interest:
- certification of Environmental and Quality Management Systems of organisations (according to EN ISO 14001, EMAS, Regulation, EN ISO 9001)
- Verification and validation of yearly communications about Greenhouse Gas Emissions (ETS) declared by organisations (according to Legislative Decree No. 30/2013, Directive 2003/87/EC, and EU Regulations no. 600/2012 and No. 601/2012)
- certification of recycled material in the ceramic tiles manufactured by Companies (according to Technical Specification for building products DT55, made by Certiquality, and EN ISO 14021 Standard), in order to attest the contribution provided by ceramic tiles to necessary credits for energy and environmental certification of buildings, on the basis of LEED Protocols (US GBC and GBC Italy)
- Application of Phytosanitary Good Practices for exportation of ceramic tiles to US Market (according to Guidelines for the inspection activities for the application of Phytosanitary Good Practices, and Regulation for granting and maintaining the enrolling of Companies in the Register of Certified Companies, both issued by Confindustria Ceramica in 2014)
- granting the Certiquality-UNI Quality Mark and CEN-Keymark for ceramic tiles.
Centro Ceramico carries out inspections on behalf of C.S.T.B. (Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment, Marne la Vallée – F) for monitoring the Classement QB UPEC of ceramic tiles.
In addition, Centro Ceramico carries out second-party auditing in the supply-chain.
Contact person:
Eng. Luciano Marescalchi – e-mail
Mobile: +39 335 7680308