Analysis and experimentation
The carrying out of analysis on specific demand of customers, aimed at the characterisation of materials and the solution of [...]
Assistenza e consulenza
Il Centro Ceramico offre assistenza e consulenza alle aziende produttrici di piastrelle di ceramica, per risolvere problematiche che vanno dalla [...]
Centro Ceramico carries out inspections on behalf of Certiquality (Milan – I) in the following fields of interest: certification of Environmental and Quality Management [...]
Product Certification
On an increasingly global and competitive market, certification represents a strategic tool for the marketing of products and quality assurance [...]
Continuous training
Thanks to applied research and close cooperation with University and Companies, Centro Ceramico is able to provide highly qualified training [...]
Energy auditing
Centro Ceramico, since its establishment, has studied and formulated innovative proposals regarding the energy issues of the ceramic industry, to [...]
Devices calibration
The calibration of testing instruments is the operation necessary for those who want to keep an adequate standard of quality, [...]
Service Packages
Analysing the complex requests of our Customers, we have selected the most frequent and, in our opinion, the most interesting [...]