Sustainable mixes: some results of the ECOSISTER project on the magazine CER
Our article about ECOSISTER project published on CER the Journal of Ceramics n. 408 (December 2024) is available online. Download it at the link
The Pre-Final Industrial Workshop of the LIFE SUPERHERO
The Pre-Final Industrial Workshop of the LIFE SUPERHERO project , aimed at promoting innovative solutions in the construction sector, was held on January 16, 2025 . The event, organised by Industrie Cotto Possagno with the support of the Association of the German Brick and Tile Industry and the European Association [...]
(Italiano) Vuoi conoscere i progetti di ricerca del Centro Ceramico ?
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Architecture and ceramics have always been an excellent union. Starting from 2018,
Renzo Piano Building Workshop (RPBW) has chosen to adopt the services of Centro Ceramico,
recognizing its expertise, reliability and international authority.
Experience and expertise on Enterprises’ service
Centro Ceramico is a research and experimentation centre for the ceramic industry, established in 1976 and managed by a University Consortium whose partners are:
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It carries out its activity on two offices in Sassuolo, one in Via Valle d’Aosta 1 and the other in Via Vittime 11 Settembre 2001, 25 / P / Q, in the heart of the Ceramic District.
A joint LAB SMILE laboratory is also active, between DICAM (University of Bologna) and the CERAMIC CENTER,
which deals with research and consultancy activities for companies in the field of MATERIALS SUSTAINABILITY.
The laboratories are accredited by Accredia (no. 0058) in compliance with the Standard UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025.
Accreditation ensures that the test and inspection reports, as well as the certifications (system, product and personnel) bearing the Accredia logo, are issued in compliance with the most rigorous international requirements for conformity assessment and behind a constant and strict surveillance action on the behavior of the responsible operators (Laboratories and Bodies).
Centro Ceramico is also accredited as Industrial Research Laboratory of the Emilia Romagna High Technology Network: for Companies, this translates into knowledge, instruments and resources for product and process innovation.

Research and Innovation
Today, research cannot ignore the essential concepts of sustainability and resilience or adaptability.
These are therefore the keywords that respond to the needs induced by the “New-Normal” of the post-COVID era and that guide all the topics of industrial interest in the lines of research of Centro Ceramico:
“Ceramic Process“, “Ceramic Materials” and “Building: Digitization and Installation Systems“.
The researchers of Centro Ceramico are “adaptable”, flexible professionals, able to respond to multiple needs and requests, capable to work in synergy
to create ever new and innovative solutions in collaboration with their Customers.
The lines of research carried out by Centro Ceramico meet the requirements of the ONU 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In particular, they fall into the following Goals:

The headquarters of Centro Ceramico cover, in total, an area of 8300 m2.
The laboratories are equipped with instruments and facilities for quality control and marking tests and for analyses and characterisation of both traditional and advanced ceramic materials.

Centro Ceramico, as an accredited laboratory, has as its main goal the quality of the services provided, whether they are tests on raw materials and finished products, or on order research,
always keeping in view Customer satisfaction.
“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.
It is the source of all true art and science“
(A. Einstein)