Project Description
Product Quality
Among its staff, Centro Ceramico has Inspectors specialised about the procedures for granting the Certiquality-UNI Quality Mark and CEN-Keymark, as well as the monitoring of the Classement QB UPEC for ceramic tiles. It also offers consulting service concerning the main certifications for export toward countries outside Europe.
Certiquality-UNI Mark for ceramic tiles, in compliance with EN 14411 |
For consumers, the Mark is a guarantee of quality and reliability of products, thus representing an excellent introduction towards European market. Certiquality-UNI Mark is granted and managed by Certiquality (Milan – I). Centro Ceramico is in charge of carrying out inspections and tests; substantially it is the official body for inspection activities, as well as the test laboratory.
The Technical Committee of Certiquality establishes the issue of certifications and the right of use of the Certiquality-UNI Mark for ceramic tiles, to be placed on the products and / or on their packaging as indelible print.
List of ceramic factories with Certiquality-UNI Quality Mark
CEN-Keymark |
For granting the right of use of CEN-Keymark is necessary that the manufacturers have, in their production sites, a system for the quality control in agreement with some parts of the EN ISO 9001. The CEN-Keymark is the European answer to the need to have a unique certification system for the product quality. Effectively, CEN Keymark acts as a common denominator for the product certification, overcoming and replacing individual national Marks.
For ceramic tiles, Certiquality is the institute that is involved in the aspects relating to the management of certification; Centro Ceramico carries out the technical aspects about inspection, sampling and testing of the final product.
List of ceramic factories with CEN-Keymark
Classement QB UPEC
C.S.T.B. (Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment, F), is the Certification Body (“Organisme Mandaté”) for obtaining the QB UPEC Mark. For this purpose, it uses C.S.T.B. inspectors and, only for monitoring in Italy, inspectors of Centro Ceramico delegated by C.S.T.B.
Quality System
Centro Ceramico make available its expertise for the implementation of the Quality Management System according to EN ISO 9001.