The EU Research Project Life SUPERHERO “SUstainability and PERformances for HEROTILE energy efficient roofs”, coordinated by Centro Ceramico, will be introduced at the “3rd ADAPTtoCLIMATE” International online Conference, which will be held on April 19-20th. In detail, Giuliana Bonvicini will present a report concerning “LIFE SUPERHERO – Sustainability and PERformances for HEROTILE-based energy”, included in the Session IV – Blue, green and gray infrastructure for adaptation.
The EU Life SUPERHERO Project aims to disseminate the results already achieved by the Project EU Life HEROTILE and increase the awareness of end users and stakeholders on the environmental benefits of ventilated and permeable roofs (VPR = Ventilated and Permeable Roofs ). Specifically, LIFE SUPERHERO aims to spread the use of VPR as an effective solution for climate adaptation and mitigation.

Conference programme