The Project EU Life SUPERHERO (SUstainability and PERformances for HEROtile-based energy efficient roofs) has officially started. The aim of the project is to spread and encourage the use of the VPR – Ventilated and Permeable Roof as an effective solution for climate adaptation and mitigation, with strategic synergies to protect the environment.
The Project is coordinated by Centro Ceramico with the specialized consulting of Warrant Hub. It includes the participation of ten partners representing the entrepreneurial, academic and institutional realities of Italy, France and Spain, and the support of TBE, Cerame Unie, UNI, Ziegel and GBCI.
Life SUPERHERO is the continuation, as well as the evolution, of the previous Project EU Life HEROTILE, which allowed the design and development of innovative tiles that facilitate the dispersion of solar radiation through under-roof tile ventilation. Essentially, it combines the thermal comfort of the inhabitants with energy saving, low environmental impact and lower utility costs.