Project Description
Centro Ceramico has been active for many years in the field of technical standardisation. In particular, the Director and several Researchers of Centro Ceramico are engaged in national and international Standardisation Committees (Coordination of Working Groups or Convenorship).
ISO International Organization for Standardization
- TC 189 – Ceramic Tiles – WG1 “Test Methods”, WG2 “Product Specifications”, WG3 “Products for installation”, WG4 “Thin tiles”, WG6 “Installation methods”, WG7 “Sustainability issues for ceramic tiling systems”, WG8 “Antimicrobial properties of ceramic tile surfaces”, WG9 “Low modulus adhesives for exterior tile finishing”, WG10 “Slip Resistance Measurement for Ceramic Tile”, WG11 “Uncoupling membranes for ceramic tile installation”.
CEN European Committee for Standardization
- CEN/TC 67 – Ceramic Tiles – WG1 “Test Methods”, WG2 “Product Specifications”, WG3 “Adhesives for ceramic tile installation”, WG5 “Product category rules for ceramic tiles and installation products”
- CEN/TC 339: “Slip resistance of pedestrian surfaces – Methods of evaluation”
- CEN/TC 351: “Construction products – Assessment of release of dangerous substances”.
- CEN/TC 194, addressed to European Standards concerning articles intended to come into contact with food.
UNI Ente Italiano di Normazione
- CT033/GL19: “Ceramic floors and adhesives for ceramic coverings”
- GL9/SC3: “Performance of mechanically installed wall tiling” (Commission: “Floor and wall coverings”)
- GL5/SC7: “Ceramic floor” (Commission “Flooring elements”)
- GL4/SC3: “Floor and wall ceramic tiling. Instruction for the design, installation and maintenance of ceramic tiling” (Commission “Products and systems for the building works”)
- Certification sector for awarding the mark of compliance to the UNI standards of ceramic tiles
- GL “Slipperiness of floors” (Commission “Products and systems for the building works”)
- GL “Floors backgrounds (screeds)”(Commission “Products and systems for the building works”).
Technical documents
Centro Ceramico offers consulting on Laws and Regulations that may apply to the ceramic sector:
- European Commission – Enterprise and Industry
- Assistance for the preparation of catalogues, data sheets, etc.).